Parks Master Plan

Recreation is a vital part of the life-style of people living in the City of Turlock. It has been demonstrated here and in other California cities that adequate recreation facilities and parks are an important asset contributing to community stability and attractiveness of living in a particular community. All segments of the population from young to old need outlets for creativity, socialization, exercise and fun. In other words, opportunities for recreation activities are a major factor in determining our "quality of life".
Historically, cities have been considered the primary provider for basic public services including roads, water systems, police and fire services, and recreation and open space facilities. However, today we stand at a critical crossroad! As the population of our city continues to grow, will we be able to keep up with the increasing demand for recreation opportunities and facilities? We have no one to look to but ourselves in answering this question.
The basic intent of this report is to assemble together in a single document a complete picture of this important recreational component of our quality of life in Turlock. It looks back at how we got to where we are today, the status of our present park and recreational facility inventory, and where we wish to be tomorrow. There is an old adage that says: "How are you going to get there, if you don't know where you are going?" This report is our city's effort at identifying our "future destination" and laying out the road map of how to get there!
Parks Master Plan
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Morgan Ranch Master Plan
North Turlock Master Plan
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Northwest Triangle Specific Plan
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East Tuolumne Master Plan
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