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City Clerk

The City Clerk is an appointed position and is responsible for the following duties:

  • Attend all regular and special meetings of the Council, Successor Agency to the Turlock Redevelopment Agency, and Public Financing Authority and keep an accurate record of the proceedings of each;
  • Ensure agenda preparation, agenda posting, public hearing notifications and publication of all legal notices pertaining to the Council, Successor Agency to the Turlock Redevelopment Agency, and Public Financing Authority;
  • Maintain a record of all ordinances of the City and of all written resolutions adopted by the Council;
  • Act as the custodian of records for the City of Turlock;
  • Maintain custody of the seal of the City;
  • Maintain the Turlock Municipal Code;
  • Maintain rosters for Boards, Commissions, and Committees;
  • Administer oaths or affirmations and execute affidavits in connection with or pertaining to City affairs or business; and certify copies of official records of the Clerk's office;
  • Supervise the conduct of City elections;
  • Serve as Filing Officer of Campaign Financial Disclosure Statements and Statements of Economic Interests, as required by State law;
  • Receive and process claims against the City; and
  • Receive and process Public Records Requests.

To contact the City Clerk, please contact:

City Clerk's Office
156 S. Broadway, Ste. 230
Turlock, CA 95380-5454
(209) 668-5540
Monday - Friday, 8AM - 5PM

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