Streets & Traffic
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Major Street Repair

Major street repairs are more than just patches and filling potholes, they involve resurfacing, rehabilitation and reconstruction of the roadway surface. Due to the size, scope and specialty of work involved the City generally hires a contractor to perform this work. Existing funding sources are limited, so the City focuses the limited resources available to major roadways to benefit the most number of drivers.

The condition of the City's roads is tracked through a web-based Pavement Management Program called StreetSaver. This program assigns a Pavement Condition Index (PCI) value to each street section, based on the observations and survey of a trained pavement professional. The values are assigned on a scale of 0 to 100, with the lowest number representing an extremely poor road and the highest number representing a brand new road.

Prevention vs Restoration

The streets in Turlock vary in their age and condition. Newer streets are generally in better condition and both easier and cheaper to maintain through maintenance treatments such as a slurry seal. Older streets are generally in worse condition with repairs requiring an overlay or complete reconstruction. The limited resources are stretched further when they can be applied towards prevention as opposed to overlays or reconstruction. The goal of the City is to increase the overall, average PCI of the City's transportation network to a point where it can be readily maintained in a cost-effective manner.

Funding Roadway Improvements

The roads program initiative will increase the funding for road rehabilitation projects in order to repair and maintain all roads in the City. Please click here for more information.

Request a Roadway Condition Report

Citizens can request a condition report on one more sections of street within the City by filing a public records request with the City Clerk. This report, generated from StreetSaver, will provide general information about the street section, outline the historical treatments made to the surface in that section, as well as list the PCI.

Public Records Request Page

For questions about minor street repair, please contact:

Engineering Division
156 S. Broadway, Ste. 150
Turlock, CA 95380
(209) 668-5520
Monday - Friday, 8AM - 5PM

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