Capital Improvement Program (CIP)
The City of Turlock owns and maintains a significant amount of capital infrastructure to provide water, sewer, storm drain, streets, transit, parks, public safety, and other public facilities. This infrastructure is essential for the City to offer its core services. Capital improvement projects include the construction, reconstruction, erection, alteration, renovation, improvement, demolition, and repair work involving any publicly owned, leased, or operated facility.
Capital Improvement Program (CIP) is a document prepared for the purpose of providing an outlook of capital improvement projects that may be constructed in the future. The CIP consists of project requests generated by sponsoring department for improvements related to their work areas. The CIP is used to communicate identified needs for capital improvements and assists City staff in prioritizing and managing resources to advance projects from concept, to design, and ultimately, to construction. Not every project listed in the CIP will be constructed due to changing priorities, needs, and funding constraints.
Before approval by the City Council, the CIP must be reviewed by each planning agency pursuant to California Government Code Sections 65103 and 65401 and found to be in conformance with the General Plan.
5-Year Capital Improvement Plan