Gift to Agency Disclosure
Pursuant to the Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC), which adopted regulation 18944.2, "state and local government agencies are required to disclose payments made to the agency when the payments provide a personal benefit to an official of the agency. Examples may include travel, meals, and other benefits. Under certain circumstances, these payments will not result in a gift to the official, but will be considered a gift to the agency."In accordance with 18944.2, subsection (C)(3)(F), "the filing officer shall post a copy of the form on the agency's website." In addition to the forms posted on the internet, hard copy/printed versions of the forms may be requested from the City Clerk's Office located at City Hall.
City of Turlock Resolution No. 2010-010
Blank Form 801
Gift to Agency Reports
The City of Turlock has not yet received a public benefit as defined by regulation 18944.2 and there are no reports available at this time.Ticket Policy Reports
State law requires that public agencies report the distribution of tickets to public officials for entertainment events. The City's adopted policy provides guidelines under which a ticket or pass distributed by the City to its officials will not be treated as a gift to the official under the Political Reform Act and the Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) regulations. Tickets may be provided to a public official if it is determined that the official will use, or direct the use of, the ticket for a public purpose; or the public official treats the ticket as income in accordance with state and federal income tax laws.In accordance with the provision set forth by the FPPC and California Code of Regulations, Section 18944.1, the City is required to disclose on its website all complimentary tickets distributed to its officials for public purpose, as well as those which the official will treat as income.
City of Turlock Resolution No. 2010-009
Form 802 Report Form
Tickets Provided by Agency Reports (Form 802)
The City of Turlock has not yet received a ticket or pass as defined by regulation 18944.2 and there are no reports available at this time.Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC)
For questions related to these new regulations, you may wish to contact the FPPC directly at their toll-free number: 1-866-ASK-FPPC (1-866-275-3772) or write to the FPPC at 428 J Street, Suite 620, Sacramento, CA 95814 or on the
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